"Currently receiving its world premiere at the New Conservatory Theatre Center...Tim Pinckney laces through his tight script a mixture of one survivor’s lingering anger, guilt, and regrets with generous helpings from that survivor, his friends, and his foes of razor-sharp humor, ego-packed hubris, and genuinely felt heart" Theatre Eddys, San Francisco
STILL AT RISK had its World Premiere at The New Conservatory Theatre Center, San Francisco, CA, (Ed Decker, Artistic Director) on January 27, 2018. Produced in association with Tom Kirdahy Productions, Norman Abramson & David Beery, Lowell Kimble, Jim Taul & Dave Hopmann, Dr. Allan Gold & Mr. Alan Ferrara, it was directed by Dennis Lickteig; the set was designed by Devin Kasper; costumes by Jorge R. Hernandez; lighting by Maxx Kurzunski; sound by Theodore JH Hulsker, and props by Daniel Yelen. Emilio Racinez was the production stage manager. The cast was as follows:
Marcus William Giammona
Kevin Scott Cox
Byron J. Conrad Frank
Susan Desiree Rogers
Christopher Matt Weimer
“…Tell yourself: None of this ever had to happen. And then go make it stop, with whatever breath you have left. Grief is a sword, or it is nothing.” - Paul Monette
"Still at Risk sparkles with style and savvy...lyrically written by Tim Pinckney, this world premiere performance of “Still at Risk” deserves more than one viewing."
Theatrius, San Francisco
Kevin, a surviving activist from the front lines of the AIDS crisis, is struggling to find purpose in the current climate of greater gay rights. But times and attitudes have changed dramatically. Kevin's activist spirit is aroused when a gala celebrating heroes of the crisis overlooks his deceased partner. Constantly crashing up against generational change and contemporary culture, Kevin risks doing everything wrong in his attempt to make things right.
STILL AT RISK is a funny, powerful look at the personal and political hazards of rewriting the past, and one person's attempt to move forward.
"...a script in its first full production and yet a script that already feels near perfection in achieving the goal of engaging and educating today’s audience about a time not so far, yet in many ways so distant from today." Theatre Eddys, San Francisco