A Perfect Blendship

A full length comedy - 3 men, 2 women

Peggy is not looking forward to tonight. Her writing partner and long term boyfriend walked about 18 months ago, she’s hasn’t been writing anything on her own and, without funds, she has started doing temp work.  Tonight, she is hosting a wedding shower tonight for her friend Sara who is getting married for the third time in eight years.  As the party is about to begin, Peggy’s co-host, best friend and roommate Garth drops the bomb that he will be moving in with his young boyfriend David very soon.  Mitch and Sara soon arrive; both bubbling over with news of exciting and lucrative change, and Peggy feels her world close in.   She starts to question the validity of this family she has been a part of for so long,  When Sara makes a casual – and passive aggressive –observation, this leads Peggy to a venom-filled outburst which in turn opens the flood gates of old secrets, new lies and re-thought happy endings.